Hikaru Honda
Iwas born in Abeno-ku, Osaka in 1967 and grew up at Senri New Town.
I graduated from Otemon Gakuin University, Faculty of Economics in 1989.
After graduation, I got a full-time job at an advertising company which produces commercial printings such as catalogues and flyers. I worked eight years for the company as a sales staff and acquired knowledge of colors in printng and designs that intrigue people.
In 1997, at the age of 30, I quit my job and entered the Japan Academy of Moving Images. My major was scenario.
As I was in charge of the movie camera in movie making practice, I also learned such skills as shooting and editing in movie making.
After leaving the movie school, I worked for a game scenario production company, After that I became a free scenario writer.
In 2013, I joined a photo workshop called 2B run by Mr Satoru Watanabe, photograpgher. There I learned the way to meausre the existing light with eyes to take pictures without a light meter, darkroom work, and the history of photography.
In 2013, I successfully passed the photo proficiency test Photo Master, Expert Grade.
March 2013: Group exhibition, "Satoru Watanabe Workshop 2B the 28 period", Le deco (Tokyo)
Satoru Watanabe Award, "Satoru Watanabe Workshop 2B the 28 period", Le deco (Tokyo)
1989年 追手門学院大学 経済学部 卒業
1997年 日本映画学校入学
2005 ドラマ 「スターライト」
2006 映画 「天まであがれ」
2013年 渡部さとる氏主催ワークショップ2Bに参加、フィルムで露出計なしで写真を撮ること、暗室でプリントすること、写真史、光の見方を学びました。
同年、フォトマスター検定 エキスパートを取得
2013年3月: グループ展, 「渡部さとるWorkshop 2B 28期」、ルデコ(東京)
渡部さとる賞、「渡部さとるWorkshop 2B 28期」、ルデコ(東京)
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